Fall into September with A Healthy Mouth
As we are winding down on all the summer fun filled with BBQ’s, festivals, water parks and beaches. We can ease into a healthy mouth with good habits. In this article you will find some great ideas to keep a healthy mouth.
Brushing our teeth is extremely important in all ages of our life to keep a healthy mouth. You should brush your teeth two times per day with a soft bristle brush at a 45 degree angle for two minutes. Your toothbrush should be replaced every three months. Remember if your brush is worn out it will not do a good job of removing plaque. See our blog post on brushing!
Flossing your teeth is a must to keep a healthy mouth. There are some special concerns as you age. According to WebMD flossing does about 40% of the work required to remove sticky bacteria and plaque from your teeth. Flossing will prevent against gum disease and flossing is the only thing that will remove bacteria from in between the teeth.
Visiting your dentist regularly
As we age our mouth can change significantly. We can develop receding gums, periodontal disease, dry mouth, loose teeth as well as tooth movement. It is important to keep scheduled dental appointments to keep a healthy mouth. Your Dentist will be able to closely monitor any changes in your mouth. Most dentists will recommend a cleaning and exam every six months.
Of course eating nutritious food is important at any age. According to prevention.com aging adults do not get enough Calcium and Vitamin D. The lack of these nutrients can cause a risk of Osteoporosis which leads to tooth loss. Put down the burgers and hotdogs and pick up some almonds and leafy greens.
Let us all take this September and focus on the positive aspects of growing older and if you have not seen your Dentist call Drs. Rohan, Dow and Hardenbergh at Chicago Style Smiles at 312-372-4845 to schedule your appointment today.
Shelli Medina