How to properly brush my teeth? – keeping you smiling on Michigan and Washington
Chicago is a major metropolitan city, and we all live busy lives. What is the best way to prevent decay when you live such a busy lifestyle? This month’s topic will cover oral hygiene and what we can do to survive the daily Chicago grind. How many times should I brush my teeth a day?
We recommend at least twice a day (morning and night, after meals). Ideally we would brush after every meal or beverage that isn’t water but I get it, who can brush their teeth that much? This is why we recommend twice a day.
Why is brushing at morning and night so important to my oral health?
Brushing removes plaque and tarter that causes tooth decay. It also helps increase saliva flow and removes any surgery remnants/food particles on your teeth. In the morning after breakfast your teeth have been exposed to food and have not been brushed since the night before. Brushing in the morning removes this and also helps freshen your breath.
I think my breath stinks, can brushing help?
Absolutely, but if your cause of bad breath is not tooth related (for example: acid reflux, diet…etc.) it won’t help. If it is tooth related, there may be underlying causes to your bad breath like periodontal disease. It’s a good idea to make an appointment and have your dentist take a look
Am I supposed to press really hard when I brush?
No – use gentle strokes as brushing too hard can damage your gums. Over time, aggressive brushing can cause your gums to move away from the crown of the tooth. Light pressure still removes all the plaque that heavy brushing would, plus avoids receding your gum tissue.
How long do I brush for?
Two minutes – that’s only a minute per arch!
Do I use hard or soft bristles?
You should use soft or extra soft bristles. The harder the toothbrush bristles, the greater the risk of harming your gum tissue during your daily routine. Do not press hard when brushing either; light pressure is all one needs to properly remove the plaque buildup on your teeth.
Is there a technique I should use to properly brush my teeth?
We recommend using what is called the Modified Bass Technique… nothing to do with fish ;).
- Start by holding the toothbrush at a 90 degree angle to your teeth with the bristles touching your teeth.
- Now tilt the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle to your gums
- Move the brush in a circular motion softly with the majority of the bristles on the tooth and the rest on the gums
- Repeat throughout the mouth
A video of this technique can be seen here.
With today’s blog on How to properly brush my teeth?, you now have the skills to keep you smiling!
Look for our next blog on what is the best mouthwash for me!
Keep Smiling Chicago!
Kevin Dow